Delicious Coronation Chicken Recipe: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making this Classic Dish

How To Make Coronation Chicken

Gather ingredients: cooked chicken, mayonnaise, mango chutney, curry powder, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and almonds.

To make a delicious coronation chicken, you will need the following ingredients: cooked chicken, mayonnaise, mango chutney, curry powder, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and almonds. These ingredients come together to create a flavorful and satisfying dish that is perfect for any occasion. Make sure to gather all the ingredients before starting the cooking process to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience in the kitchen.

Shred or dice the cooked chicken and place it in a large mixing bowl.

To start making this delicious coronation chicken recipe, begin by shredding or dicing the cooked chicken into bite-sized pieces. Place the prepared chicken in a large mixing bowl, ready to be coated with the flavorful sauce mixture. This step ensures that each piece of chicken is evenly coated with the delicious combination of mayonnaise, mango chutney, curry powder, lemon juice, salt, and pepper for a truly satisfying dish.

In a separate bowl, mix mayonnaise, mango chutney, curry powder, lemon juice, salt, and pepper to create the sauce.

In a separate bowl, combine 1 cup of mayonnaise, 1/4 cup of mango chutney, 2 teaspoons of curry powder, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, a pinch of salt, and a dash of pepper. Mix all the ingredients together until well combined to create a flavorful and creamy sauce for the coronation chicken. Adjust seasoning to taste if needed before pouring over the shredded or diced cooked chicken in the mixing bowl.

Pour the sauce over the chicken and mix well to ensure all pieces are coated.

Once you have shredded or diced the cooked chicken and placed it in a large mixing bowl, it's time to add the flavorful sauce. In a separate bowl, combine mayonnaise, mango chutney, curry powder, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. This combination of ingredients will create a rich and tangy sauce that perfectly complements the chicken. Pour this sauce over the chicken in the mixing bowl and ensure that all pieces are well coated. Mixing thoroughly will ensure that every bite is packed with delicious flavor.

Cover the bowl and let the flavors meld in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

After mixing the sauce with the shredded or diced chicken, cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap to seal in the flavors. Place the bowl in the refrigerator and let it chill for at least an hour. This resting period allows the ingredients to blend together, enhancing the taste of the coronation chicken. The cold temperature also helps to marinate the dish, ensuring that each bite is packed with delicious flavors. Remember, patience is key when it comes to letting the flavors meld – your taste buds will thank you for it!

Before serving, sprinkle chopped almonds on top for added crunch and flavor.

Before serving, sprinkle a generous amount of chopped almonds on top of the coronation chicken. The almonds not only add a delightful crunch to the dish but also bring a nutty flavor that complements the creamy sauce and tender chicken perfectly. This final touch enhances the texture and taste of the dish, making each bite a delicious experience for your taste buds.

Enjoy your homemade coronation chicken as a delicious and flavorful dish!

Coronation chicken is a classic dish that never fails to impress with its delicious blend of flavors. The creamy sauce infused with curry and mango chutney perfectly complements the tender chicken, creating a dish that is both rich and tangy. The addition of crunchy almonds on top adds a delightful texture contrast, making each bite a delightful experience. Whether served as a main dish, in sandwiches, or as part of a salad, homemade coronation chicken is sure to be a crowd-pleaser at any gathering. So go ahead, savor the fruits of your labor and enjoy this flavorful creation!